Women of TUM: Recognising and Conquering Impostor Syndrome

20.07.2023 | 12:00-13:30 | online | Language: German | Host: Women of TUM | Topic: Recognising and Conquering Impostor Syndrome. How to overcome self-doubt and celebrate yourself and your achievements.

Have you ever looked around a room and thought: ‘I don’t deserve to be here’?
If so, you’re not alone. Impostor Syndrome, the psychological phenomenon in which people are constantly plagued by the idea that they will be exposed as a fraud, affects as many as 70% of all people. In fact, it is especially high achieving individuals who experience self-doubt, perfectionism and are prone to attributing their success to luck or chance.

In this webinar Nina Feustel-Durst talks about the main characteristics of the phenomenon so that you can recognise it in yourself and in others. She also explains the impact on health and career planning that individuals affected by the phenomenon have to deal with. In addition to insights from current research, Nina also shares practical advice on how to overcome impostor thoughts and feelings. There will also be ample time for you to share your own experiences and ask questions.

TUM Alumna Nina Feustel-Durst (TUM BWL 2012) worked in the consulting industry for almost ten years before launching her coaching business. Today she supports individuals as well as organisations to reach their goals and fulfill their potential.

Please note that the event language is German.