Offers from TUM Gender Equality Office
We offer a broad range of services to support the professional and personal development, as well as career planning, of our students and scholars. These include:
- Coachings of various kinds
- Seminars for Gender Equality Officers
- Femtec: career building for female students
- Ferienakademie: This conference, which is unique in its kind in all of Germany, offers female students and scientists a forum to present their work in papers.
- Liesel Beckmann Symposium: new ideas and concepts for gender and diversity related research at TUM
- Trainings to develop key competencies
- TUM Beratungsnetzwerk: Exchange and further education for all those who take on advisory activities at TUM.
Offers from other TUM facilities
- Career Service of TUM (for students and doctoral candidates)
- Deutschlandstipendium (funding for students from the 1st semester, in the selection process for the Deutschlandstipendium "soft" criteria, e.g. voluntary social commitment, readiness to take on responsibility, special family circumstances, etc. are evaluated by an independent Diversity Committee)
- Mentoring (collection of all mentoring programs at TUM)
- mentorING (for female students)
- Chair of Research and Science Management Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (for science managers and executive managers)
- ProLehre - Media and Didactics (for lecturers)
- TUM Language Center (for students and staff)
- TUM Graduate School (for doctoral candidates)
- TUM horizons (for staff)
- TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
- TUM Talent Factory (for postdoctoral candidates)
- UnternehmerTUM (for students and staff)
- Women in STEM Round Table (all FINTA* bachelor’s and master’s students as well as doctoral students and postdocs at TUM)
- Women of TUM (network for women)
- WTG@MCTS (formerly Carl von Linde-Akademie) (for students)