Sexual harassment / sexualised violence
The Technical University of Munich is committed to the comprehensive protection of all members of the university against sexual harassment and sexualized violence. All members of the university are expected to be actively aware of the need for protection against sexual harassment and sexualized violence so that those affected or observing can act appropriately.
The principles of the Technical University of Munich for protection against sexual harassment and sexualized violence can be accessed here (available in German only).
Section 3 (4) AGG serves as the starting point for the definition of "sexual harassment". According to this, sexual harassment is "unwanted conduct" that "has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of the person concerned, in particular if it creates an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, degrading or offensive environment". This includes "unwanted sexual acts and requests for such acts, sexualized touching, remarks of a sexual nature and the unwanted exposure and visible posting of pornographic images."
This includes, for example:
- The sexually degrading use of language (especially remarks or jokes about people, their bodies, their behaviour or their intimate lives),
- Gestures and non-verbal comments with a sexual connotation,
- Verbal, visual or electronic presentation of pornographic or sexist images,
- Copying, applying or using digital applications with regard to content or intentions of sexual harassment or sexualized violence,
- Unwanted touching or physical assault,
- The unwanted solicitation or coercion of sexual behaviour.
Have you observed or experienced any of the above situations? Have you observed or experienced a situation that you perceived as sexual harassment and/or sexualized violence?
Please reach out to the contact persons at TUM who act on protecting TUM members from sexual harassment or sexualized violence via respect(at)
Dr. Clarissa Ruge
Phone: +49 89 289 25769
Dr. Veronika Diem
Phone: +49 89 289 28219
All conversations and information reported will be treated in strict confidence in order to protect the person making the report and the person affected by the allegations. The contact persons for questions in connection with sexual harassment and sexualized violence work towards the protection of members of the universities in accordance with the Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (available in German only) without prejudice to the responsibility of university bodies and committees.