The Gender & Diversity Incentive Fund (GDIF) provides funds from the Excellence Initiative for the implementation of diversity measures in the schools, faculties and central (scientific) institutions. On the one hand, this will promote the formation of schools and, on the other hand, this will support a common identity and strategy. The GDIF was anchored in the Institutional Strategy of the second program phase of the Excellence Initiative.
It is being relaunched as part of the Excellence Strategy and within the process of the of the TUM Diversity & Gender Equality Plan's publication. The aim is to promote a sustainable change in culture and awareness and to increase the attractiveness of TUM as a whole. After all, it is the diversity of its scientists, students and employees that makes TUM an innovative and dynamic university.
The measures will be funded generally according to the principle of “matching funds”, i.e., half of the measures will be financed using central funds and the other half using funds from the schools/departments / central units. The decision about the allocation of funds is made by the Talent Management and Diversity Board. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis and are not bound by submission deadlines.
- Promotion of equality between women and men
- Promotion of women's careers in science
- Promotion of family friendliness
- Promotion of internationalization / intercultural and interreligious dialogue
- Promotion of inclusion of all TUM members with a disability / chronic illness
- Promotion of health and work-life balance
- Promotion of measures to support scientific careers of non-academic backgrounds
- Raising awareness of the importance of diversity in everyday study or work contexts
- Raising awareness for LGBTIQ* in everyday study or in the work context
Raising awareness regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence
- Application guide (in German)
- Application template (in German; you are welcome to submit your application in English)
- Send all documents digitally only (!) to diversity(at)
- Establishing, Conducting and Evaluating Gender Awareness Trainings for Members of Hiring and Tenure Committees at the School of Social Sciences & Technology and for Faculty Recruitment Chairs at TUM
- Structural research project for further development of the G&D strategy of the TUM School of Engineering & Design
- Support for the implementation of the school project "Ran an die Ingenieurwissenschaften" [„Go for Engineering“] (TUM School of Engineering & Design)
- #breakingtraditions – Women.Career.Sports (TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences)
- Promotion women’s research career in case of leaderships's retirement (TUM School of Social Sciences & Technology)
- Scientific advanced training of a female Learning and Development Expert at TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning: Promotion of an international conference trip
- Diversity and Talent Management at the TUM School of Medicine and Health
- WISTUM - A "cooperative discussion game" on diversity, equality and inclusion (TUM School of Natural Sciences)
- Queens of Structure – Projects and positions of female civil engineers. Support to implement the touring exhibition at the TUM, including the accompanying framework program (TUM School of Engineering & Design)
- Inclusive, participatory diversity research and teaching. (TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences)
- Research project and website creation of the website "Women Building Munich". Accompanying exhibition with opening program (TUM School of Engineering & Design)
- Promoting gender diversity in Computer Science through role models, school visits and transformation (TUM School of Computation, Information & Technology)
- Establishing, conducting and evaluating gender awareness trainings for members of hiring and tenure committees (TUM School of Social Sciences & Technologies)
- Individual Development Plans (TUM School of Natural Sciences)
- Awards for people who express their solidarity with women in order to promote gender equality in STEM, in the form of conference participation (TUM School of Engineering & Design + TUM School of Computation, Information & Technology)