The Technische Universität München (hereinafter: TUM) adopts the following Code of Conduct as the basis of its diversity policies:
The Technische Universität München (TUM) values the diversity and variety of individual talents as a central element of its institutional identity. We actively support equality between men and women and are committed to the goal of becoming the most attractive technical university in Germany for women. As a family-friendly university, we make long-term investments to enable our students and employees to unite family life with study and career. The TUM family thrives on mutual support and networking among its members across disciplinary, national and generational boundaries. We understand internationality as the connection of our home to the world at large. As part of our commitment to the values of an enlightened society recognizing human rights and fundamental freedoms, we respect the cultural identities of people from other parts of the world.
The principles of equality and diversity are anchored in this TUM Diversity Code of Conduct. Its aim is to render the personnel and structural measures toward equality between the sexes, family friendliness and diversity transparent, continuous, competitive and future-oriented, as well as feasible in the long term. Achieving this goal requires the transformation not only of organizational structures but of academic culture, as well. Gender and diversity research constitutes the essential basis of equality and is supported by the TUM. Promoting the diversity of personalities at the TUM, as well as their different career paths and ways of life requires targeted, individualized gender and diversity management.
I. Participation and Representation of Interests
The TUM aims to achieve a balanced relationship of the sexes on its central and departmental committees. In addition to the advancement of women and the expansion of family-friendly structures, our commitment to diversity and equality in accordance with the legislation on anti-discrimination and the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) includes respect for ethnic origin, gender, religion and beliefs, disability, age, and sexual identity. Action is taken at all levels against discrimination and gender stereotyping. Members of the TUM academic community are to be made aware of equality issues; diversity competence is to be enhanced.
II. Information and Communication
The TUM undertakes to ensure gender equality in language and in the wording of fundamental documents (regulations, articles, employment contracts), in publicity work, marketing and internal communications. Images are to illustrate the diversity at the TUM in order to reduce stereotypes and prejudices in this respect, as well.
In order to provide information to persons from foreign countries, the relevant documents and the internet site will also be made available in the English language. Media representation will have an international approach.
III. Research
The perspectives of equality and diversity constitute criteria for financial support provided to research. This applies especially to the internal grant of scholarships (based on achievement) or research funds and to the release from duties for research purposes. The TUM supports project-related equality concepts where external funding is requested.
IV. Teaching
Degree programs offered at the TUM are developed in accordance with diversity requirements with regard to both teaching methodology and the content of instruction.
The TUM endeavors to render teaching contents and materials as well as tests accessible and comprehensible to students with disabilities and to students from foreign countries.
The TUM supports its teaching staff through continuing education programs, such as TUM ProLehre, and by conducting evaluations.
V. Conditions of Work and Research
The TUM’s organizational structures foster a viable work-life balance for its students and employees. The TUM supports flexible working hours, a positive working environment and workplace and academic conduct in a spirit of respect and cooperation. Within a framework of achievement criteria, the TUM aims at long-term employment relationships in academic research, teaching and administration. Managerial staff seeks to ensure work and research conditions compatible to the greatest possible extent with various lifestyles and career paths within an academic environment and to eliminate discrimination and harassment. Disadvantaged groups of people and persons with disabilities are supported through positive action.
VI. Study Conditions
Studying conditions at the TUM are developed in accordance with diversity requirements. This concerns study regulations, as well as the provision of information, advisory, and tutoring programs at the university and departmental levels. The TUM provides options for flexible study.
The TUM takes measures to achieve a well-balanced gender ratio in all of its degree programs. These include advancement and advising programs in cooperation with secondary schools (including student research centers, cooperation projects between the TUM and secondary schools designed for upper class students).
VII. Staff Development and Recruitment
The TUM endeavors to ensure equality-oriented recruitment and personnel development. The TUM ensures active recruiting and a transparent structure of appointment and promotion procedures based on respect and achievement, in conjunction with comprehensive monitoring. The development of a management culture based on the principles and requirements of diversity represents a central aim of personnel development. The TUM actively seeks to achieve objectives relating to gender equality and family friendliness at both institutional and departmental levels.
VIII. Finance and Resource Management
The TUM integrates gender and diversity equality into its resource management. The TUM ensures equality in budgeting matters. The TUM ensures equal opportunity within salary structures (including classification in salary groups, performance-based supplements).
IX. Family Friendliness
The TUM promotes and supports a family-friendly working and studying environment. The TUM offers its members regular and flexible child care, supports dual career pairs and promotes a family-friendly academic culture. Particular support is provided to academic and administrative staff caring for children, as well as those caring for infirm or disabled family members. Cases of hardship take precedence.
X. Organization and Quality Management
The TUM anchors its diversity and quality management in the TUM Board of Management through the positions of Senior Vice President “Talent and Diversity Management” and Vice President “Quality Management.” The objective of this managerial structure is to provide impetus for the further development of measures to fulfill the mandates of equal opportunity, which are viewed by the TUM as a societal and institutional obligation. These include the gathering of organizational statistics, as well as comprehensive monitoring and evaluations. Human and financial resources ensure long-term support for the institutionalization of equality and its quality development.
XI. Entry Into Force
This TUM Diversity Code of Conduct enters into force by way of a resolution adopted by the University Council on 16 May 2012.
* The TUM Diversity Code of Conduct was developed on the basis of the Gender Codex of the University of Konstanz.
1 Developed on the basis of the TUM Mission Statement