Welcome from the Commissioner

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Dear students,
Dear colleagues,

At least since the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has become effective in Germany in 2009 and since the resulting debate about inclusion at school, the value of an inclusive society is not questioned any more.

As Commissioner for students with disabilities and chronical illness, I witness the importance of equal participation in our society. Therefore, we make every effort to offer all TUM members – students and employees – the same conditions:

  • Individual counselling and support
  • Continuous implementation of barrier-free infrastructure
  • Research in the areas of inclusion, technical aids and medical aspects
  • Social commitment, for example by contributing to Special Olympics Deutschland

In this regard, to rethink interacting with disabled and chronically ill persons is crucial: inclusion only works when everyone joins in.

Even though much has been done, there is still more to do. We will systematically pursue our goal of an inclusive university and put it into practice. In this, I count on your support, and I am looking forward to joint initiatives of our "TUM for everyone".

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Klaus Diepold