Working at TUM with a family

How does TUM help its staff strike a good balance between family life and their career? How can staff reconcile the care of children or other family members with their work commitments? Parental leave, maternity leave and leave to care for a relative all sound great in theory, but how do they work in practice at TUM?

This is where care providers, mothers, fathers and expectant parents will find information on all services geared towards balancing career with family commitments at TUM:

  • Kindergeldantrag (applying for child benefits) from the German Federal Employment Agency
  • Elterngeldantrag (applying for parental allowance) from the Bavarian Centre for Families and Social Affair (ZBFS)
  • Elterngeldrechner (calculating parental allowance) from the Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
  • Familiengeldantrag (applying for family allowance) from the Bavarian Centre for Families and Social Affair (ZBFS)
  • Infotool Familie (analyzing financial family support) from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth