Holiday childcare

Are your child’s school holidays longer than your vacation time? And would you like your child to take part in an interesting and fun holiday program? Then take a look at our recommendations for many holiday care offers in and around Munich!

holiday childcare programs in school holidays

in und around Munich:

in Garching/Freising/Straubing

Holiday childcare offers throughout Bavaria::

KidsTUMove is a pilot project of the Chair of Preventive Pediatrics at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. Its aim is to get chronically ill children and young people involved in sport and activity. Healthy children are of course also welcome. The program includes regular sport group activities and a summer camp.


ExploreTUM offers a series of engaging courses during the initial three weeks of Bavarian summer break, tailored for girls aged 10 and above with an interest in science and technology. These hands-on courses, lasting from two to four days, offer participants a firsthand exploration of diverse STEM disciplines through collaborations with faculties and departments at TUM.

More informations about the sommer workshops here

Program of the summer workshops 2024 (in German) 

Staff and students of TUM can also register their children for the holiday childcare program organized by Klinikum rechts der Isar in the second half of the summer holidays, provided places are still available (contact: Tanja Druckenmüller). Likewise, subject to availability, staff of Klinikum rechts der Isar can register their children for TUM’s holiday program.

Holiday supervision outside TUM

You can consult the following central holiday database run and Kreisjugendring Munich Greater Area for additional holiday childcare options. These are delivered by a range of social service providers in Munich. The Nachbarschaftshilfe Garching association offers a holiday program, for instance, and children in Freising can take part in the summer and winter holiday programs organized by the municipal youth organization (Stadtjugendpflege).

There are other childcare options in and around Munich during the summer holidays via the comprehensive Munich holiday portal. Here you will find a good up-to-date overview of all free places and offers.

More information

for children and young people from 6 to 17 years of age, regardless of where they live.

The Munich holiday pass offers numerous suggestions for leisure activities in Munich for children and young people aged 6 to 17 with vouchers, courses and discounts. Among other things, children can travel for free in the entire MVV area during the summer holidays, and entry to the outdoor pools is free. The sale of the new Munich holiday pass started in October. It is valid from the 2022 autumn holidays to the end of the 2023 summer holidays for all children and young people aged 6 to 17, contains vouchers and discounts for the offers in the holiday program and allows free entry to the Munich swimming pools. If you don't have it yet, you can simply order it online. Exciting hands-on activities, experiences, guided tours and events await you in the holiday programme.

In any case, register quickly, places are limited.

More about the holiday pass and the offer

The "Family pass" contains numerous exclusive workshop offers, vouchers and many attractive discounts

It is offered to all Munich families and to families from the districts of Dachau, Ebersberg, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Munich and Starnberg.

More information and registration

You can also find more holiday offers in Munich on these pages

Subscribe to our TUM Family Service newsletter. You will then be automatically informed about our current promotions and offers.

If you have any questions, please contact TUM Family Service


Reviews and pictures

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KidsTUMove veranstaltet das traditionelle Sommercamp wieder in Präsenz


Das KidsTUMove Team veranstaltete nach einjähriger Pause wieder ein Präsenzcamp für Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem TUM Campus im Olympiapark. Insgesamt 40 Teilnehmer im Alter zwischen 6 und 17 Jahren nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil. Bei abwechslungsreichem Programm und zahlreichen Ausflügen gab es Vieles zu erleben. Ein Rückblick über die Campwoche zum Nachlesen.

Auch 2021 konnte das Outdoor"-Ferienprogramm in den Sommerferien an der TUM stattfinden. Mit einem bunten Programm konnten die Kinder wieder die Zelte bei Lagerfeuer und tollen "Outdoor" Spielen genießen.


Hurra Ferien – so lautete in diesem Jahr wieder die Devise der „Bewegten TUM Ferien“. Das Programm bot den Kindern im Alter zwischen 6 und 12 Jahren wieder Action, Spaß und Spannung. So waren die Kinder an den TUM-Standorten wieder viel unterwegs. Ob im Märchenwald, in der Kletterhalle, auf Wasserspielplätzen, in Museen, bei der TUM Feuerwehr oder im Mathelabor; das Programm bot für jeden etwas.


Auch die ganz Kleinen konnten im Sommer bei den „TUMinis“ in der 2. und 3. Ferienwoche basteln, auf Spielplätzen toben, oder die TUM und Mensa kennen lernen.

Bewegung, Kultur, Natur und Technik – wie immer haben die Ferienangebote der TUM in diesem Jahr diesen großen Bogen geschlagen. Und auch im nächsten Jahr wird wieder dafür gesorgt, dass es für die Angehörigen an der TUM leichter ist, die Ferien zu organisieren.

Die Ferienangebote werden von der TUM finanziell gefördert. Der Anmeldeschluss liegt in der Regel 6 Wochen vor Ferienbeginn.

Alle Bilder: Marion Friederich / TUM