You will find more information on external childcare facilities and how to find/chose/hire a registered day-nanny in Munich, Garching and Weihenstephan at the following websites. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for details on TUM-external childcare facilities if you have any question.
- Childcare in the City of Munich
- City of Munich Portal for childcare facility search and online application (kita finder +)
- Parent advice center from the city of Munich on childcare
- Day nannies:
- Placement Service of the City of Munich (advice and placement)
- Tageseltern München und Umgebung e.V. (advice)
- Reitmorzwerge Day Nursery
(places for employees of the Free State of Bavaria)
- Childcare in the City of Garching
- City of Garching Portal for childcare facility search and online application (Little Bird)
- Neighborhood Help (Nachbarschaftshilfe) Garching (day nannies, babysitter placement, holiday childcare and more)
Freising - Weihenstephan
- Childcare in the City of Freising
- Advice and placement of day nannies:
Tageselternzentrum Freising - Kindertagespflege Landratsamt Freising
(day nannies) - Kindergarten Kinder(t)räume
(childcare directly at campus Weihenstephan)
City of Straubing
- Childcare
- Childcare facilities
- Koki - Network early childhood
(offers for children and parents)
District Straubing-Bogen
- Childcare facilities
- Day nannies
- KoKi - Network early childhood
(offers for children and parents)
City of Heilbronn
- Childcare facilities
- Central preregistration for childcare facilities
- Neckarbogen Daycare Center
(childcare directly at Bildungscampus Heilbronn) - Kindertagespflege (day nannies)
- PARI Kinderwelten - Chilcare offers
- Senioren für andere e.V. - Leihomas
(reserve grandparents)
Heilbronn district
- Childcare
- Advice and placement of day nannies:
Tageskinder Region Heilbronn e.V.
Municipality of Ottobrunn
- Childcare facilities
- Kita Ottobrunn GmbH
(Operator on behalf of the municipality of Ottobrunn) - Afterschool care
- Further childcare services
(e.g. playgroups and day nannies placement)
Municipality of Taufkirchen
- Childcare facilities
- Municipality of Taufkirchen Portal for childcare facilitiy search & online application (Little Bird)
- Afterschool care
- Neighborhood Help (Nachbarschaftshilfe) Taufkirchen
- AWO - Day Nursery and Kindergarten Willy-Messerschmitt-Straße/ "Sternschnuppen 2"
(childcare directly at Ludwig Bölkow Campus)