The TUM Family Service of the Staff Unit Diversity and Equal Opportunities offers a series of lectures focused on the topic of care and caregiving. These lectures are free and open to all TUM employees and students.
The online lecture on the topic: "Healthcare proxies and living wills" takes place on Tuesday, November 5th 2024.
This lecture offers valuable insights into the legal and practical aspects of advance care planning. Find out how you can clearly define and safeguard your wishes for the future. The lecture is aimed at anyone who would like to deal with topics such as healthcare proxies and living wills at an early stage.
How do I draw up a health care proxy, living will, advance care directive?
- Form, requirements and special regulations of the documents
- Practical examples
What financial and administrative preparations should I make?
- Emergency and precautionary plan
- Financial preparation and possible insurances
What other preparations should I make for a possible care situation?
- Purchasing aids in good time
- Furnishing the home
Duration: approx. 120 min.
The lecture will be offered online in German via Zoom and will be held by Amiravita Gmbh.
Participation is free of charge and counts as working time for employees.
Registration via
Martina Postorino (she/her)
TUM Family Service - Staff Unit Diversity & Equal Opportunities