Initial information and contact in difficult life situations
Taking care of a family member on short notice raises many questions. How can I ensure they receive the best possible care? How can I balance my career or studies with caring for my partner, parents, or children? We are here to provide answers to all your care-related questions and offer a range of support services. You can reach out to us with complete confidence.
Company care guides
All TUM members can reach out to the university's care guides (Pflegelotsinnen and Pflegelotsen) for assistance with balancing caregiving responsibilities and work. They are available for support in person, by phone, or via email.
If you would like to arrange more flexible working hours, take time out to care for a family member or are considering working from home, you can learn more here about arrangements for reconciling study or career with care commitments.
You can take leave of absence for a certain period of time during your studies for important reasons. This also includes caring for a relative and is then referred to as a leave of absence. Here you can find out what you need to know about a leave of absence at TUM.
If you are caring for family members with special needs, you can find support through the initiative "Press pause" (Pausentaste). Here, you can access information about counseling services, find useful links and build a network to exchange ideas and experiences.
Here you get an overview of the relief options caregiving relatives can take advantage of and you can find out which services are covered by the long-term care insurance funds.
Since January 1, 2009, all those in need of care and their relatives have an individual right to comprehensive care advice from their care insurance fund and so-called case management (Section 7a SGB XI). In addition to your long-term care insurance, the following care advice centers provide you with quick, uncomplicated and, if you wish, anonymous assistance. You will receive answers to questions about planning care and your entitlements to benefits from statutory long-term care insurance. You will also receive information on care aids, care classification procedures and the service providers at your place of residence.
You may also find the following brochures helpful (sometimes only available in German):
- Pflegebedürftig. Was nun? - Januar 2023 (PDF 2 MB)
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Ratgeber Pflege - Stand Januar 2023 (PDF 8 MB)
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Ratgeber Demenz - Stand April 2022 (PDF
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Pflegeleistungen zum Nachschlagen - Stand Januar 2023 PDF 2 MB)
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Online-Ratgeber Pflege
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Familienpflegezeit
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit - Unterstützung und Pflege - Informationen für pflegende Angehörige der Stadt München (PDF 0,4 MB)
Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat - Entlastungsangebote für pflegende Angehörige Landkreis München (PDF 1,1 MB)
Landratsamt München - Seniorenfibel Freising (PDF 6,9 MB)
City of Freising - Das Pflege-Telefon - Schnelle Hilfe für Angehörige
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - Bessere Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Pflege und Beruf - (PDF 4,3 MB)
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - Betreuungsrecht - Mit ausführlichen Informationen zur Vorsorgevollmacht, 2023 (PDF 1,0 MB)
Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz - Patientenverfügung, 2023 (PDF 0,7 MB)
Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz