NEW: Tuition fee waiver for students from third countries due to children or care of relatives
Students who personally care for their own children or relatives can have their tuition fees for international students from third countries waived for two semesters. More information and application deadlines
NEW: New regulation for leave of absence in case of parental leave
From the winter semester 2024/25, a leave of absence due to maternity/parental leave at TUM is possible for a maximum of 6 semesters per student (NOT per child and NOT per degree program), as long as the youngest child has not yet reached the age of 8. All information about leave of absence
We will be glad to help you find the perfect balance between family life and study commitments. The TUM Family Service is your first point of contact for all matters relating to family and study. We are here to help, so do not hesitate to contact us.
Get an overview of various offers.
At the TUM campuses in Munich, Garching and Freising there are several childcare facilities for students operated by Studentenwerk München.
Please have a look also at the collection of links about childcare outside our university.
We will be happy to advise you on this.
Find out about flexible childcare options at TUM. We provide support in finding solutions for childcare at home as well as at the TUM campi.
In addition, we also refer to flexible childcare options in the city/county of Munich.
At the TUM locations you will find relaxation and nursing rooms, baby-changing facilities as well as family rooms where you can retreat or spend time with your children.
The following overview provides information about existing family-friendly infrastructure at our university.
In the StudiTUM - Houses of Students in Munich, Garching and Weihenstephan there are family rooms that can be used by pregnant students or studying parents to rest, study or stay with children. You can be registered to reserve the recovery room/family room at StudiTUM Munich and the family room at StudiTUM Garching via TUMonlilne before visiting the campus. Please write an email to the Student Representative, if possible with a short explanation. Further family rooms at TUM schools/faculties.
The family room at StudiTUM Weihenstephan. is the only one on the campus in Freising and therefore available to students as well as to employees.
If you are interested in a semester or internship abroad with a child, make sure to inform yourselves well in advance about options and support services!
TUM internal links:
- Going abroad with TUM - Information from TUM Global & Alumni Office
- Contacts on international affairs at the TUM departments and schools
- Reports on stays abroad by TUM students
- Erasmus+ grants for students with child(ren) in the context of study abroad or internships abroad (check under "Additional support/services")
external links (no liability for external content):
- Information and experience sharing platform about studying abroad with a child
- from Familie in der Hochschule e.V. - Guide to planning a study abroad with a child - from College Contact
We support also TUM students with any care-related questions and can offer a range of support services. You can contact us in absolute confidence.
More information on the topic of care of family members
"CHE kurz + kompact" guide on studying with caring responsibilities (in German language)
(Information brochure of CHE Centre for Higher Education in cooperation with Familie in der Hochschule e.V. association)
Find important information about studying with a family at TUM, such as notification about a pregnancy, maternity leave for female students, leave of absence due to care for a child or family member and more.
In case of pregnancy during your studies, please notice the maternity protection regulations for female students.
A leave of absence from studies is possible due to maternity and parental leave or care of close relatives. Please note you must reapply for each semester off. During the leave of absence, you can still continue to study and take exams.
In order to better reconcile studying and childcare, TUM student parents have the alternative option of applying for a deadline extension to their responsible examination board. This is particularly useful when receiving BAföG.
A variety of foundations offer grants to students at all levels of study.
Find here an overview of scholarships awarded by TUM or other institutions as well as scholarship search plattforms.
TUM supports its students in their search for accommodation with personal advice, information sessions, commission-free appartment listings (TUM living) and further tips.
More information on accommodation
Next Event:
January, 28th 2025 | 3:00 - 4:30 pm | Kita "Herzerl", Munich
Pregnant students and students with child(ren) can exchange information with each other and with specialist staff from Munich Student Union, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich University of Applied Sciences and TUM Family Service. Children are very welcome.
=> More details and registration here
Further events of Munich Stundet Union can be found here
In April 2019 the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported about our Familiencafé. Here you can find the artical.

Pregnant students, student parents and prospective students with children from all universities supervised by Munich Student Union are welcome.
The event will be held in German language.
For registration please send an email to Munich Student Union.
Munich Student Union/Studentenwerk München
The Advisory Service Studying with a child of Munich Student Union provides support on how to balance study with family life, allocates childcare places, assists in finding suitable housing and provides information on financial support for students with children.
Other Advisory Services of Munich Student Union
Brochure "Financing your studies with a child" (in German) from German Student Union/Deutsches Studentenwerk
"Kinderteller" – free meal for kids

Munich Student Union offers all children of students a free lunch up until their sixth birthday. If you visit the Student Union Mensa with your child(ren) and purchase at least two meals, you will get the cheapest meal free. For more information, see the Studentenwerk München/Munich Student Union website.
Wimmelbild from German Student Union/Deutsches Studentenwerk

Das Wimmelbild der SFS des Deutschen Studentenwerks presents comprehensive family-friendly services on the university campus. This is intended to draw the attention of students with children to what is on offer and also to give the youngest ones something to discover.